Sunday, February 18, 2007

1st day of Lunar New Year

新年快乐 ! 万事如意 !!

Mummy says today is the 1st day of Lunar New Year and I have to wish everyone 新年快乐, 万事如意. Initially still have but after sometimes... only Happy New Year to all :p

Today was a busy day of me as I have so many place to visit.....
Morning we visited Macdonalds.. *hahaha*... eat breakfast mah, then went Ah ma house to 拜年, followed by 'great ganny' (Ah ma's mother) house to 拜年, after tat went to another 'great ganny' (奶奶's mother) house to 拜年...... My battery was completely flat at the end of the day.. :(

I love Lunar New Year as this is the only time I can play with all my cousins & got many 'Ang Pao' :p

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