Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Birthday 'Jiu Jiu'

12th Dec 2006
Yesterday was 'Jiu Jiu' birthday. I wish him a very very Happy Birthday !!!

Morning before Jiu jiu left for work, he told me is his birthday and he is going to buy a cake (he knew I loves cake), I promissed him I will make 2 'red' eggs for him for his birthday :)

At night before Jiu Jiu return, Ah ma helped me to boil the eggs and I do the coloring.

I'm so happy to see Jiu Jiu home with a CAKE !! Jiu Jiu say I can stand infront of the cake, I sang him a birthday song, help him to blow off the candle, help him to make a wish & cut the cake...hehhehehe.. (as if is my birthday) My wish is "I wish I have a new toy" :p

I help myself with a big piece of cake... and it's Yummy !!!

After finished my cake, I volunteered to wash the dishes because I'm a good boy :)

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