Thursday, December 14, 2006

My neighbor’s dog ‘Mi Mi’

'Mi mi' is my neighbour’s dog, she is a girl and her name is ‘Jamie’.
Mi mi is a good gal but very lazy, every time I saw her, she always sits or lying on the floor, never sees her run about. May be is because of her age, Uncle (her owner) told mummy that she already 7 yrs old; it is quite old as to dog’s age. 7 yrs is equivalent to about 44 yrs old human's age.

I like to play with ‘mi mi’ whenever I see her at the void deck. Uncle said she likes us too cos every time she see us, she will shake her tail and at times she even ‘kissed’ me when I play with her :)

I wont be seeing 'mi mi' anymore, I'm very sad *sob sob*. Uncle told mummy that 'mi mi' is now staying with his son in another place :( I will miss 'mi mi'

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