Monday, December 11, 2006

Little Robots

Daddy & Mummy brought me to Marina Square Shopping Mall and happened that there was 'Little Robots' performance, I managed to catch one of their show.
‘Little Robots’ is one of my favorites; they have Tiny, Spotty, Noisy, Rusty, Sparky, Stretchy, Stripy & Scary etc. They were all abandoned on a scrap heap in a junkyard until Tiny fixed them. I love Tiny, he is my favorite character.

Tiny, Tiny ! Where are you ??
I'm getting restless.... :(

Hooray !!! Finally get to met them, they are Tiny; Rusty; Noisy & Stripy !

Stripy became Santa Claus !!

SO AM I !!! hohohohoho...

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