Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Music Class

Back to music class after 2 weeks break... I'm so lazy and I told mummy I do not want to attend music class anymore while we were on the way, mummy asked me why but I can't gave her a valid reason.... :(

I have practiced at home during the term break but my fingers are not very cooperative, at times I still press wrong key. My teacher Ms Lim always emphasized on sitting posture (sit upright, back straight) & spider's feet fingers (fingers in curve position like spider's feet when placed on keyboard). * haiz* It is so hard & tough.

1st lesson was revision :) Revised on what we have learned 2 weeks ago. Ms Lim said she will closed 'one' of her eyes this time round becos of the long break, but next week onwards her eyes will open very very 'big' :p *hahaha...* During the lesson Ms Lim want me to show the class how the 'spider feet' fingers looks like, so I 'gong gong' demonstrated to the class.

I'm glad I'm able to do it correctly and I'm happy to show it to my classmates :)

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