Wednesday, December 20, 2006


4 weeks had gone and I only left with 1 week plus to enjoy my school holiday.

During the past weeks, I've done nothing at home except watching TV - cartoon & cartoon :p As I will be going Kindergarten next year, so mummy
want me to polish up my Mandarin as my Mandarin is EXTREMELY poor. I hate Mandarin, I told her I’m ‘English’ boy, I’m not ‘Chinese’ boy, so no need to learn Mandarin... hehehe (thinking that I can escape but...*sigh*) She said if I dunno then I will have to go ‘SCHOOL’. Oh no !!!

Mummy got no $$ to send me to school :p she toldl Ah gong, Ah ma to speak Mandarin to me *faint*, I really had a hard time speaking to Ah gong, everytime I speak to him, he will say ' 我不知道你在讲什么?' (dunno wat are you talking), I ask him something he also' 你讲什么,我不知道', eveytime '我不知道' I was so angry, but have no choice to speak
‘broken’ mandarin to him.

Mummy printed out some Chinese words and pasted on the wall (thanks to aunty Patricia), she also borrowed Chinese story book from library for me, everynight she will read to me and showed me the words. At first I can’t read and always got all mixed up, but after sometimes, I see some
improvement, I not only can speak 'understandable' Mandarin and can recognize a few ‘simple’ Chinese words. I know how my Chinese name looks like liao… hahahahaha....

Although I only can read a few words but I’m very proud of myself :) That's a great achievement !

Here are some words that I know
My name :
爸爸, 妈妈,
脚, 鼻, 眼, 口, 头, 舌, 手, 牙

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