Monday, February 12, 2007

My Saturday

Lunar New Year is around the corner, mummy wanna have the 'feel' of festive season, she was thinking to bring me to Chinatown but scare too crowded, *haiz* so indecisive....

Saturday afternoon 3pm, meet Aunty SL & JJ at sembawang MRT stn, aunty SL & mummy discussing where to go as they haven’t make up their mind yet. In the end we still go Chinatown :)

We brought along our pram as mummy scare if we falls asleep, they will have hard time carrying us cos our daddy din tag along :p Mummy complaint I'm super heavy, abt 21kgs liao, she say she wont be able to carry a packet of 20kg rice walking around Chinatown hahahaha.... :p

4.00pm: Arrived at Chinatown, it was crowded, JJ & me was sitting in the pram, we cant really see much things cos many people walking in front of us. Many stalls selling kua zi (melon seeds), Taiwan 'mua zi' & sweets, super ‘looooong’ queue outside the famous 'Lin Zhi Yuan' bak kua shops. Chinatown was hot & packed, aunty SL bought a coconut for us to quench our thirst, mummy was so clumsy, she held the coconut on her left hand and pushed the pram at the same time, suddenly she dropped the coconut and all the water spilled over me *ANGRY* Mummy apologise and quickly used wet tissue to clean me and change my t-shirt *VERY ANGRY* she still has the cheek to laugh at me *VERY VERY ANGRY*

While we were inside a shop, JJ wanna 'poo poo' so aunty SL has to bring him to the nearest toilet, so mummy & me waited for them. A while later they returned and aunty SL say JJ cannot do his 'business' cos the toilet very very dirty and many dead cockroaches lying around. *yucky*

Since we cant squeeze in the crowded, we decided to detour to Vivo City :) *hooray aircon*. JJ falls asleep after his milk while on the way there, I also sleep as no kakis to play with. While both of us were sleeping, aunty SL & mummy enjoy their shopping without our disturbance

7.o0pm: Daddy meet us after work, while we were on the way to foodcourt, we saw the 'Singapore Lion Team' ouside Nike shop, Wah!! they really ' 大牌' need so many guard to escort them. Mummy took few snap of them, asked mummy their name and she say she dunno *pengz*.
We had our dinner at the 3rd floor foodcourt and went to the roof garden for a walk after our dinner. It was so windy and I saw cable cars, told daddy I wanna take cable car ride and he say bring us to Mt. Faber to see cable car :)

9.30pm: 1st time up at Mt Faber, I was scared as the place was dark, we walked along the path leading to cable car tower, was surprise to see many cars parked at ‘The Jewel Box’. As it was late so no cable car ride for us but mummy promised she will bring me…..

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