Thursday, March 15, 2007

kopi session

I love following mummy to her la kopi session with her friends cos I will have chance meeting up with my little friends too.

Was a bit disappointed when arrived as never see my playing kakis :( Although Sah & Jov were there but sad to say I dunno how to play with them. Have to self entertained by running in & out of Mac.

Finally my bro ‘R’ came *hooray* at least someone to play with @(*.*)@ Thanks to Aunty L for bringing him & R there, thanks her for getting me the ‘Toy’ from happy meal & the ‘Mayonnaise’ and also the photos :)

Met new friends – Justin gor gor, Anna jie jie & Adele mei mei :) Love to see little Pat again but very ‘heartbreaking’ as he dun seems to remember me liao *sob sob*

Hope mummy have more such session so I wont complaint I have no friends to play with :p

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