Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bike experience

‘Mum, I’m a brave boy’. My first sentence to her once I got down from the bike. Initially still panic but after the ride, looking forward for next round…:)

Mummy has many years’ riding experience, though was experienced, I think she still wary as first time pillion a 5 yrs old boy. Ah ma got worry when she learned I’m taking mummy’s bike home :p

It was a fun ride & great experience even though just 10 mins on the road and traveling at slow speed about 60km/h. Nice & cool weather with ‘smelly’ polluted air blowing onto my face *hahaha*. Throughout the journey, mummy kept asking me ‘are you OK, are you OK’ and her handphone rings several times (Ah ma called) before we reach home. Am aware of their fears and worries… after all I’m just a little boy :)

Call Ah ma to ‘report’ once reached the carpark, reassure her I’m safe and sound to ease her mind… :p

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