Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Valuable lesson

Last Saturday we had family gathering at Ah ma house, JinWen mei mei was sleeping when she came, so mummy hung a sarong for her to sleep. The sarong looks fun to me and I wanted to try it out but no chance.

At Ah ma house on Monday, saw the sarong there and I was so temp to try it. That night when Ah ma was free, I asked her to carry me into the sarong and I had fun playing with it. I love it :)

Last night I was playing with the sarong again while daddy & mummy having their dinner in the kitchen. While I was swinging and having fun suddenly the sarong gave way, the spring & the hook landed on my head, I burst out loud as it was hurt, Ah ma & Daddy rushed in to see what happened. I was crying and Ah ma asked me where ‘pain pain’ while daddy check my head to see any cuts or bleeds. Luckily there were no cuts, no bleed and no ‘ba lu ku’. Daddy never sayang me, he scolded me upside down, left & right :( he said I deserved it as he had warned me before not to play with it but I never listened.

A valuable lesson learned and I learned it the ‘hard’ way.

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